New Portraits aka WoD alpha

Count me as completely unimpressed with the new character creator. No really, it’s not particularly good. It loses the flavor of Eve. Avatars dwell in the uncanny valley, too realistic to be cartoons and too unrealistic to be believable. But worst of all, it’s utterly incomplete. It looks to me like something barely in apha.… Continue reading New Portraits aka WoD alpha

And that makes a year…

Nothing Endures but Change —Heraclitus of Ephesus A year ago I really had no expectation of ever playing Eve again. The game intrigued me, but I’d never lasted more than a month and a half and I felt like I’d figured out it wasn’t for me. I should just stick to reading Sins of a… Continue reading And that makes a year…

PI Interlude

Our fleet’s change to a Maelstrom focused alphafleet has left me with almost perfect skills. Well, perhaps not perfect, but as perfect as it gets before spending four weeks to gain 2% more damage and that sort of thing. I’ll get back to that, but it gave me some slack. So having some slack and… Continue reading PI Interlude