So our agents have now had six months to chase Dracula and Edom. So how is that all working out? Well, the game has been fun. Or at least I hope it’s been. So we got that going for us. But longer-term play has definitely shown both the positives and negatives of both Night’s Black… Continue reading The Dracula Dossier–Six Months In
Category: gumshoe
The Dracula Dossier
It all started out so innocently. We’d done a Trail of Cthulhu one shot. Hey, we seemed to like the system. Maybe we’ll try a Night’s Black Agents one shot. So we get to the second session and being somewhat insecure, at least for a GM–a position which requires more than a big of ego–and… Continue reading The Dracula Dossier
Gumshoe Thoughts
Let’s be honest. I’m middle aged and in gaming terms, that makes me an old bat. I’m set in my ways and in gaming terms, this means I find a lot of the more narrative games like Fate to be, well, a little weird. They’re just not structured enough and it’s not so much the… Continue reading Gumshoe Thoughts